Zážitky z tábora

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ale učenie sa nemusí zastaviť.

Young Engineers Bricks Camps sú vzrušujúcim zážitkom pre účastníkov všetkých vekových kategórií. Počas leta podporujeme ďalšie vzdelávanie. Naše rôzne táborové programy ponúkajú náš prvotriedny edutainment zážitok (vzdelávanie + zábava).

Young Engineers Bricks Camp

Many of our privately owned and run Young Engineers franchises offer a 1-2 week camp activity. These camps provide participants with an exciting way to learn and have fun through building a variety of models. The camp experience provides children with a safe and comfortable environment to get excited about learning and meet new friends while they are on their summer vacation. These camps convert o

Bricks @ Your Camp

In addition to our one time specialty day, we offer a camp service on a more regular basis. Young Engineers is available to come and run its program in conjunction with your already running camp. We will send our expertly trained Young Engineer professionals to your camp to lead our various enrichment programs daily or weekly depending on your needs. We work with campers of all ages and all different learning abilities. Contact our representatives to discuss ways we can tailor our Young Engineers bricks programs for the needs of your camp and campers.

Bricks Day at Camp

We offer a unique service for summer camps and their campers. We are available to come to your camp to run an exciting one-day program. Our trained Young Engineers instructors will come to your camp and run our exclusive brick building workshops with campers of all ages. Our staff will bring all of the materials for your campers to be able to build our exclusive models and mechanical robots. We offer a great color-war specialty activity, employing our edutainment program in conjunction with friendly competition. Young Engineers Bricks Day at Camp can also just be a cool specialty day to add to your summer calendar. Contact our representatives to discuss ways we can tailor our Young Engineers programs for the needs of your camp and campers.

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